Saturday, January 26, 2008

Be sure you....

.... watch Oprah this Wednesday! Read here about the world record Oprah's trying to break on her Wednesday show, and then be sure you watch because, that's right, I'll be there!!!

Called out of random good luck and then selected for our shortness (yes, they actually asked how tall we were), Ashlee Pace and I will be part of the 100 people Oprah's putting in a bubble on Wednesday. Who knew being short would get me on Oprah someday! Hah!

Now, if I could only figure out what to wear for my on-stage debut...


Nanc said...

I will watch! I will watch!

amberWIRE said...

Are you kidding me! Hahaha! That is awesome! I suggest wearing something free of sharp points or snaggy velcro

allison said...

get out of town! that's awesome!